A couple of weeks ago, we had finally done up a simple page to list our home tutors in Singapore. We were very excited because it made us stand out from most other tuition agencies in Singapore.
We, however, do not display some home tutors due to their current job nature. Home tutors who have registered with us will not be listed directly on the home tutor page. We have to verify all entries manually before we approve each home tutor. It takes us a maximum of 2 working days to verify each home tutor’s profile. Our current estimated average time is less than half a day.
Smart Tuition Singapore believes in transparency. We want parents and students to know that we do have talented home tutors registered under us. We verify their qualification and seek their expectations in tutoring students. We try our utmost best to find out more in order to do better matching.
Days ago, we worked on something more exciting. Instead of dumping the entire home tutors list onto the page, which would require a long loading time, we display a small number of them each time and parents/students could navigate through the list. Since we are using the AJAX technology, navigating around the list would take only a short time as the entire page needs not to be refreshed.
By the way, we are still working hard to decide on what information of the home tutors to be displayed and how to present the information in a good (simple and neat) way for parents/students to browse through. Meanwhile, we are also waiting for our home tutors to update their details after some improvements with additional information to be filled in before we can put more information into the home tutor listing page.
We are always trying hard to make improvements. Stay with us, grow with us and believe in us.
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