Dear tuition related business owners,
Thanks for contacting us. However, it seems that we have been rejecting business proposals. Our current priority is to assist parents to find suitable tutors for their kids. Do pardon us if we are unable to attend to you.
We are pleased to hear innovative ideas that can benefit parents, students and our home tutors. However, there are many proposals that decent tuition agencies would probably not bother. We do not want to waste any second on them.
Our tuition agency does not share or sell our database. Our clients and tutors approach us because they trust us. We work with clear self conscience and this is why clients return to us and tutors stay with us. Serious tutors are likely to turn down the offer from unknown tuition agencies and thus it is pretty useless to purchase any database from anywhere. We would advise business owners to work decently step-by-step to build the trust of their own tutors.
We wish all the best to everyone.
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