Some Weird Problems that We have Encountered


The number of tutors who have registered with our tuition agency has reached 16000 last month! This number excludes those who are being blacklisted or are still in our “holding” list due to problems with their profiles, pending their updates. It’s a known fact, especially to people who have been following us these years, that all our tutors have signed up on their own accords. In other words, we don’t buy database. We have also been updating about our tutor count regularly. Most of them find out about us through friends, Facebook, forums and Search Engines.

As mentioned before in our earlier posts, the growth of the number of registered tutors means that we will have more work to do. Since we don’t charge any administration fee for registration and document verification, our workload grows but not revenue. It’s inevitable to have a ratio of black sheep among the tutors who have tried to get tuition assignments from us.

Since Smart Tuition begins operation, we have so far encountered a handful of rude emails from ridiculous people who claim that they haven’t registered with us and yet their profiles are on our website. The latest one has registered with us around four years ago, probably when he was still studying in NTU. He has yet to log in although we still have the IP address he has used to sign up with us.

We have instructed new tutors on the registration page to not use their school’s email address to sign up with us. The main reason is that sometimes schools email servers may think that our registration confirmation email is a spam mail and blocks it. Besides, most of the schools don’t allow the tutors to retain their email accounts after their graduation.

However, some tutors still insist not to use their personal email addresses to sign up with us and thus giving us extra problems, such as not receiving the confirmation email with their password or having to update their email addresses. Some tutors are also signing up with random tuition agencies and thus don’t care about logging in. Eventually, most of these tutors would even forget that they have signed up with us before. We do occasionally receive emails to seek help in registration from tutors who are already in our database. All are welcome from a range of topics like tech, ai, marketing and any science field. One question we encounter often is,  how does artificial interlligence work? Tech savvy tutors please apply!

There are countless of other interesting problems we been facing regularly, which we may share in future posts. We will also continue to filter off bad tutors. Hopefully, everyone will have more ideas about the issues we have been facing and pardon us if we are too busy to assist you promptly.

Good night and hope your year 2016 is smooth so far!


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