Category: Private Home Tuition Tips

  • 2011 GCE ‘A’ Level Results Are Out

    We hope all the 2011 GCE ‘A’ level candidates have gotten the results that they have aimed for. During result releasing periods for examinations such as PSLE, GCE ‘N’ level, GCE ‘O’ level and GCE ‘A’ level, we are always excited because we have tutors and students waiting to collect their results. Some parents focus…

  • How to get more tuition assignments

    We have recently added some tips to increase your chance to secure tuition assignments through us. The tips are currently placed on the login page, right below the login form. However, do take note that during this period, major exams are either ongoing or have already ended, and thus the number of tuition assignments has…

  • Basic Private Tutor’s Ethnic

    Smart Tuition would like to remind everyone that there are many unspoken and unwritten rules for every private home tutor. No tuition agency can list out every single detail and it is definitely stupid to do so. Most of these “rules” are basic ethnics, which a responsible person should have set for himself or herself.…