Tag: tutors

  • It’s the quality of the tutor that counts

    Smart Tuition focuses a lot on the character of the tutors who have signed up with us. We believe tutoring is not only about producing good academical results; every tutor is a role model and has to set a good example for the students. Hence, we have been trying very hard to filter our list…

  • 17000 Home Tutors

    Our tuition agency is pleased to have reached the number of 17000 tutors, excluding those who have left and those who we have issues with their profiles. Everyday, we are welcoming new tutors who are signing up with us and also facing some who have decided to move on to focus on other trades. Hereby, we would…

  • Unregistered Tutors

    Sometimes, we do have tutors who have unregistered themselves (deleted their own accounts) coming back and asking, “I couldn’t sign up as tutor. Please advice.” The tutor may have registered two years ago and removed his own account eight months ago. He has even forgotten that he has signed up with us before. Unfortunately, our…

  • 13000 Home Tutors

    Our tuition agency has gathered over 13000 home tutors by last month. This number does not include those tutors who are blacklisted, in our holding list and those who have chosen to remove their accounts. We are glad to have implemented the feature earlier, allowing tutors to remove their accounts themselves instead of emailing us.…

  • Happy New Year!

    Greeting to all our clients, tutors and visitors! Our tuition assignments updates readers/subscribers number has reached the count of 1700. We would like to remind all tutors that by subscribing to the assignment updates, it does not mean that you are already registered as our tutor; and if you change your email address that you…

  • Tuition Rates

    Our tuition rate page actually appeared on Frontline 2013 Episode 25 a couple of months ago. We are glad that the little piece of information can be of some help to the society. Please note that the tuition rates are just guides. There are too many factors to determine the rate of a tutor. Time…

  • 12,000 Approved Tuition Tutors

    Our tuition agency has crossed the mark of 12,000 approved tuition tutors yesterday. This does not come easy as we do not buy database nor do email/phone/SMS spamming to get tutors to sign up with us. Similar to our usual announcement of count of tutors, this number does not include those tutors who are in…

  • Many Yahoo Emails Are Being Compromised

    Hello all! Please note that since around yesterday, many Yahoo emails are randomly sending spam emails around. These Yahoo emails are believed to be hacked. The automatically generated emails contain no subject and the content is simply a weird URL with Germany (.de) and normal dot com (.com) domains. Read more on how you can…

  • Over 8000 Tutors in Our Tuition Agency

    We have crossed the margin of 8000 approved tutors registered with us by end of June 2012. To be exact, the date is 28th June. The figure includes those who are currently not available for tutoring. Those tutors who are in holding and blacklist statuses are not included though. The increasing number of home tutors…

  • Tuition Agency FAQ Updated for Tutors

    We have recently updated our FAQ to keep it more organised for tutors. We hope tutors will find it easier to find their answers to the commonly asked questions. The FAQ is being sorted into headers such as registration, login and assignments application issues. Thereafter, we will be expecting our tutors to go through the…