We Control Google Not

Human beings are full of dreams and sometimes it isn’t a bad thing after all. We are thankful to people who have helped us to dream that we control the Internet giant, Google, though.

It’s good if Google will send its bots to visit all our pages daily and grab all the updated information. Hence, all the tutors who update their profiles and have public listing enabled will have the new contents available to Google immediately. We also want Google to list our pages at the top whenever people search for “hunks and babes of Singapore”. Yes, if we can control Google, our website’s URL will appear on every first page of the search results.

“Dreams” aside, honestly, we don’t really need too many visitors for now because we have limited number of trustworthy coordinators to help so many people. We basically don’t entertain people who email us to request to become our coordinators because we really want to do a good job for everyone. It’s the quality of coordinators, clients and tutors that matter most, and we are satisfied with the number of referrals.

Back to “dominating” of Google, it’s a crazy dream after all. Basically, whatever contents that appear on the web will be retrieved by Google’s bots and we have no control. For the case of tutors’ profiles, they can choose to disable public listing when they first sign up as tutors. They can trigger public listing on or off whenever they log in but once the search engines’ bots have captured the information, it may be too late.

We are, obviously, a tuition agency and not a charity organisation that teaches visitors how the web and search engines work. Although we do give free tips and tools, we have big limitation in our availability and knowledge as well. This is a low profit business and we can only focus on matching suitable tutors and students. We have to be fair to the existing good tutors and clients, and thus, we don’t have time for people who can’t be bothered to read and use their common sense. We do spend time to update our pages, including the FAQ page, so that we don’t need to repeat all the answers, including weird ones, over and over again.

As we survive this saturated market after so many years, more and more “old” tutors have given up tutoring. Our team has grown constantly and reached over 13000 tutors at this point of time. At this rate of growing, we are obviously facing more people who have given up the tutoring line and wish to remove their profiles. Our team has done our best by coding the system to allow these people to remove their own profiles because we don’t have the manpower to do it one by one upon every request.

Despite proclaiming in our website to indicate that we have nothing to do with Google, some people are still contacting us to ask us to remove the details Google is displaying. It’s ridiculous for us to reply to every of them, moreover, these are common sense stuffs.

For the sake of these people who we are not ever going to interact with again, we still do have to repeat the answers inside our FAQ page:

I have removed my account but why is it that I can still find it in search engines such as Google?
If you have some knowledge about the web, you should know that we have no control over what information Google can grab and store.

I have requested Google to remove my information but they say the page is still available.
Even for every non-existing, pending and removed account, as long as someone types the unique ID number at the end of the page’s URL, the person will be presented with a page to inform him/her the respective status. Therefore, it is common sense that you cannot get Google to remove a webpage that is still ‘existing’.

To conclude, you should get Google to update that page instead of removing it, so that Google will update its cache to replace any previously stored contents with the latest ‘no such tutor’ ones.

Do you get it? It’s impossible for Google to crawl through every website to update all its pages often. Most pages are never visited by the Google bots again after the first time, especially for big websites like Smart Tuition’s. We don’t know how you are going to do it but just get Google to update your old tutoring profile page if you don’t want Google to display the small portion of what you have written on its search result pages.

Unfortunately, people who are giving us problems are people who don’t bother to read up. Therefore, no matter how detailed and how many times we have repeated over our websites, including this blog, there are still people who will add burdens to us. We are, however, glad that these tutors have left us. We can’t recommend tutors with obvious bad attitude to our clients.

Thank you for reading this long post!


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