Tag: tuition agency in singapore
Country Codes and Telephone Numbers
Just a quick update on our tuition agency website. We have added two new pages recently that you may find them useful. – Country Codes for Phone Numbers This new “Country Codes for Phone Numbers” page lists all the country codes that you may need when you want to dial out of Singapore. If you…
Updates for Registered Home Tutors
Greeting! Ladies and Gentlemen! Thanks for staying with our tuition blog all these while. We have been busy, or rather, very busy for the past few weeks. The number of tuition assignments have increased tremendously and we have been receiving too many home tutors’ applications for them. We are really sorry if we have not…
New Tuition Agency Business Address
Hello our dearest home tutors, parents, students and visitors! Please take note of the change to our business address. For all mailing purpose (love letter too!) in future, please kindly direct the mails to 10 Raeburn Park #01-17 Singapore 088702. The location is besides Tanjong Pagar Railway station and Spottiswoode Park. For ex students of…
Introducing our Home Tutors (Singapore)
A couple of weeks ago, we had finally done up a simple page to list our home tutors in Singapore. We were very excited because it made us stand out from most other tuition agencies in Singapore. We, however, do not display some home tutors due to their current job nature. Home tutors who have…
Tuition Agency Met Spambot
Smart Tuition Singapore is proud to announce that a couple of hours ago, we have received the first spam entry ever. The spambot has targeted the Request for Tutor Form, thinking that it is a web form for a forum. The business process of our tuition agency is not affected for we have merely received…
Welcome to Smart Tuition Singapore
Thanks for visiting and showing your support. From now onwards, we will be using this blog to communicate with all our home tutors, parents, students and visitors. We have been working hard all these while to make necessary amendments and improvements to the tuition agency site, which we think will be will useful to every…